Friday, August 19, 2016

Fix Steam using Alias

In an earlier post, I talked about utilizing aliases to shortcut commonly used commands. Today I'm going to share share my fix to a common error with Steam.

The error stems from the Steam run-time libraries  being older libraries than what are installed by default in Arch. More can be read about this error here. Every time Steam updates, it causes an error as it adds those out-of-date libraries back to the Steam run-time.

Now, to fix this, I chose to delete the libraries that steam adds. This can become a tedious task as Steam seems to update every two days. I fixed this problem by adding the following alias to my '~/.bash_aliases' file:

#Fix steam
alias fixsteam='find ~/.steam/root/ \( -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" \) -print -delete &&  find ~/.local/share/Steam/ \( -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" \) -print -delete'

So now, whenever Steam updates, I run the 'fixsteam' command afterwards to immediate fix this error and get right back into gaming!

Please feel free to post your thoughts/comments/hatred!


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