Sunday, September 11, 2016

i3 Window Manager Configuration

As of late, I've been rather obsessed with tweaking my i3 Window Manager configuration. I'm utilizing i3blocks for the i3bar and of course, these config files are dependent on having the proper packages installed that are called in execution.

Here's a screenshot of my desktop:

i3 window manager desktop configuration

Some highlights of my configuration:

-Key bindings for the volume, brightness, play/pause buttons.

-Sshuttle VPN notifier. Sshuttle allows me to bypass my school's firewall that prevents VPN connections.

-Pastel colors for a soft and appealing desktop.

-Display of both local IP address and external IP address.

-Active window notification.

-Source Code Pro font package for improved appearance.


-Some of the config file and scripts are tweaked versions of scripts created by others. In order to insure intellectual integrity, the proper attributions were left in the script files.

-Some blocks are on a long refresh interval to reduce system resource use. In order to keep them current, I use '$mod + Shift + r' to load them upon change.

-There is a one second lag on the brightness and volume changes but the settings for quicker updating ate up too much of my processor to be viable.

-I do not use a compositor. I tried compton but I actually noticed a performance drop. I attribute this to having an Intel video card, which is supported in the kernel.

-I am also using kupfer instead of dmenu.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them!

Also, if you too are struggling with aggressive firewalls, I am willing to offer a free user account on my digital ocean droplet for use with sshuttle for those that ask!


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